
happy 2009!!  I'm looking forward to all that this year has in store... I think it's going to be pretty incredible!  I hope that no matter what kind of year 2008 was or 2009 will be that you will draw close to the Lord and seek His face, whatever trials or joys you may encounter.

if you're as bored as I am, here you go...

Where did you begin 2008?
In Washington D.C. with Leeanne and Julie... it was fantastic!!

What was your status by Valentine's Day?
status??  weird question... I was working at fbcc and living with my parents (oh yeah... gotta love it...)

Were you in school (anytime this year)?

Did you have to go to the hospital?
just to visit people
Did you have any encounters with the police?
just one... I got pulled over for speeding, but only got a warning!  I thought the speed limit was 70, I was going 72, and it was actually 65... total accident!

Where did you go on vacation?
orlando, nyc, little rock, and europe!!

What did you purchase that was over $500?
ugh... a mattress, flatscreen tv, furniture... this was the year of the apartment.  oh, and two weeks in europe ;)

Did you know anybody who got married?
I'm 24.  Do I really need to answer this one?  I think I'm the only one not getting married at this point...

Did you know anybody who passed away?

Did you move anywhere?
Austin, Texas... and I LOVE it!!

What sporting events did you attend?
nothing worth noting

What concerts/shows did you go to?
this year?  matt papa, american idol, phil wickham, steve fee, building 429... and a few others... I'm going blank

Where do you live now?

What's the one thing you thought you would never do but did in 2008?
tough question... pay $4 for gas.

What has/have been your favorite moment(s)?
trips to see friends and family, moving and making some new friends!

What's something you learned about yourself?
living alone isn't the worst thing in the world

Any new additions to your family?
not this year

What was your best month?
this really was a great year... hard to choose a favorite!

What music will you remember 2008 by?
best days - graham colton

lovebug - jonas brothers

you are the best thing - ray lamontagne

while I'm waiting - john waller

by your side - tenth avenue north

ruin me - jeff johnson

Any regrets?
nope... it's all a part of the journey

What do you want to change in 2009?
get healthy, deepen my walk with the Lord

Overall, how would you rate(or award) this year?
better than the two before :)

What would you change about 2008?

Other than home, where did you spend most of your time?
student ministry

Change your hairstyle?
yep!  long, short, long, dark brown... it's been a fun year!

Get a new job?
I sure did... it's incredible and I love it!

Do you have a New Year's resolution?
I do...

Did anything embarrassing?
I'm sure I did... those kinds of things happen to me all the time

What was/were your favorite purchase[s]?
my mattress and my iphone

Get married or divorced?

Be honest - did you watch American Idol?
every episode.  and I went to the concert.  I don't care what you think!!

Did you get sick this year?
just sinus infections

Start a new hobby?

Been snowboarding?

Are you happy to see 2008 go?
it was a good year... but today's just another day and I'm excited for the future!

Drank Starbucks in 2008?
you know it

What are you wishing for in 2009?

I feel like I already answered this one...


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