late night musings

I can't sleep... too much to think about.

so, I'm going to write.

here's another itunes update... now I'm looking at my "play count" to see what songs I've listened to the most... here are the top two culprits:

  • "none but Jesus" by hillsong united : this song has become one of my favorite worship songs over the last couple of years. it speaks to where I am in life and it's what I desire - "there is no one else for me, none but Jesus." (play count: 147 - one night I fell asleep to it on repeat and I think that's why... ha!)

  • "glorious day" by jeff johnson : yet another new favorite worship tune. I love the fact that it's an old hymn... such truth in the words. it's a song of celebration. "living he loved me, dying he saved me, buried he carried my sins far away... oh glorious day!" (play count: 104)

I've been listening to a lot of old music lately... stuff that reminds me of when I was younger. I love it! if I told you the names of what I've been listening to, you would most likely laugh at me, but that's ok... doesn't bother me!

I think I'm on the verge of another great reading kick, so I'm excited. I love reading during the summer.... sitting outside with a good book, pretending like I'm at the beach.

I'm excited about summer and I'm dying to go to the beach... but that probably won't happen until the end of july, so I'll just have to wait. this summer includes: two weddings (orlando and nyc), camp, mission trip to canada, some sort of family vacation (which includes a trip to little rock... woohoo...), and I'm sure some other fun and sundry events. yay for summer and flip flops! I'm ready. here's a picture of me at the beach last summer...

me at the beach

my birthday is also coming up, so that's exciting... I'll be 24 on may 13! wow, I feel old. it just feels like the last few years of my life have gone by so fast, but I'm doing my best to live life to the fullest and enjoy every day! I'm ready for the adventures ahead, and I think 24 is going to be amazing. watch out, here I come!


Cassandra Raney said…
If 24 is old... I'm ancient at 27!!! Ahhhhh! Thanks for the reality check :) Haha! Hope you are doing well. Haven't been around much since Jude was born... life is starting to get a little easier nowadays. Take care!


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